www.althermedia.pl - Ziemowit Jędryczkowski, mega format advertisements
bartandkate.com - Bartek & Kasia
www.czarny-diament.blogspot.com - Come back to Poland after 32 years of voyage around the world !!! - Capt Jerzy Radomski on s/y Czarny Diament
www.dreamwrecks.com - s/y Oasis, Dominique Serafini
www.elenasjewelry.blogspot.com - unique hand-carved "marine" jewelry by Elena (s/y Mabel)
www.fetesmaritimes.com - Wooden Boat Festival, France
www.followcarina.blogspot.com - Carina Juhhova, travelling around the world by hitch-hiking
www.fundacjamorska.org - Fundacja Morska & Marek T.Słaby
www.fundacjamorska.org/encyklopedia - Morska Encyklopedia Cyfrowa
www.geo-sail.pl - Jan Kawęczyński "Geograf”, sailor
www.giersz.net - Lukasz Giersz, outstanding photography
www.headinghonolulu.blogspot.com - Klara's travel blog
www.hopandjaunt.com - Aly & John, travelers
www.giersz.net - Lukasz Giersz, outstanding photography
www.headinghonolulu.blogspot.com - Klara's travel blog
www.hopandjaunt.com - Aly & John, travelers
www.jacekkulesza.com - Jacek Kulesza, musician
www.jj-witteraaf.nl - s/y Witteraaf, Jan & Joanneke
www.jolantapawlak.blogspot.com/ - Jolanta Pawlak,
astonishing sculptures, photography and jewelry
www.konradszumilas.pl - Konrad Szumilas, creative aquarium designer
www.jj-witteraaf.nl - s/y Witteraaf, Jan & Joanneke
www.jolantapawlak.blogspot.com/ - Jolanta Pawlak,
astonishing sculptures, photography and jewelry
www.konradszumilas.pl - Konrad Szumilas, creative aquarium designer
www.kozok.eu - Ewelina Adamus & Michal Kozok in honeymoon trip hitch-hiking :)
www.kuzyni.eu - 2 crazy cousins in around the world trip
lidiawiktoria.blogspot.com - Agnieszka, her photography and lovely daughters
www.limestoneholiday.com - Silvia & Roel Jungslager with cozy resort by water on island Curacao (Netherlands Antilles)
www.livingwatermission.org - Capt Guy Willson’s website
www.kuzyni.eu - 2 crazy cousins in around the world trip
lidiawiktoria.blogspot.com - Agnieszka, her photography and lovely daughters
www.limestoneholiday.com - Silvia & Roel Jungslager with cozy resort by water on island Curacao (Netherlands Antilles)
www.livingwatermission.org - Capt Guy Willson’s website
www.membersonlymaxitaxi.com - Jesse James, Trinidad
www.minimax.info - for lovers of Minimax radio show
www.muleketu.com - Muleketu drum group
mvvreeland.web-log.nl - m/v Vreeland, Patricia & Wiebe
my-boat-works.blogspot.com - Jerr Dunlap, shipwright and rigger
www.naszemorze.com.pl - Maritime Magazine
www.minimax.info - for lovers of Minimax radio show
www.muleketu.com - Muleketu drum group
mvvreeland.web-log.nl - m/v Vreeland, Patricia & Wiebe
my-boat-works.blogspot.com - Jerr Dunlap, shipwright and rigger
www.naszemorze.com.pl - Maritime Magazine
www.newsofscorch.blogspot.com - Chris & Geraldine on s/y Scorch of Wessex
www.nmmc.co.uk - Maritime Museum, Falmouth, UK
off-sklep.eu - Witold Mitschka, outdoor & expedition equipment
opis-podrozy.blog.onet.pl - Konrad's travel blog
www.photo-folio.net - Konrad Dwojak, photography
www.nmmc.co.uk - Maritime Museum, Falmouth, UK
off-sklep.eu - Witold Mitschka, outdoor & expedition equipment
opis-podrozy.blog.onet.pl - Konrad's travel blog
www.photo-folio.net - Konrad Dwojak, photography
www.projetoamices.com - s/y Alma Livre, Brazilian friends Danilo, Daniel & Gabriel
www.polarka.com - s/y Waterbird & Daniel Petrasek (single handling)
www.port-musee.org - Pasquale
www.pozytywnezacisze.pl - Borys Kozielski, podcasts
www.radio.com.pl - Polish public radio station
www.radio.com.pl/trojka/minimax - outstanding radio show Minimax of Piotr Kaczkowski
www.rowerami.info - Ania i Krzyś travelling on bicycles, also by jachthich-hiking
www.jachtsaoirse.blogspot.com - Leszek Nowocień - s/y Saoirse ... means FREEDOM
www.schoonersoteria.com - Schooner Soteria, the first yacht we've hitch-hiked
syladydiane.wordpress.com - s/y Lady Diane - nice YACHT FOR SALE!
www.sy-serendipity.com - s/y Sernedipity, Hugo & Cecilie
www.soloaroundtheworld.com - Tomek Lewandowski - West to East Solo Non Stop
www.survivethesavagesea.com/index.html - Sandy Robertson & his family
www.svnewlife.blogspot.com - s/y New Life, Patricia, Thierry & Marvin, cruising family
www.traditionalcharter.co.uk - s/y Black Rose, Michael Emmett
www.wereda.com - s/y Wereda, Janusz Abramowicz
www.westrych.blogspot.com - Jakub Westrych - TorpedoWaffenplatz Hexengrund
www.wildcat.pl - see yourself ;)
ziencik.flog.pl - fotoblog - lotsa great pictures by Ziencik
www.pozytywnezacisze.pl - Borys Kozielski, podcasts
www.radio.com.pl - Polish public radio station
www.radio.com.pl/trojka/minimax - outstanding radio show Minimax of Piotr Kaczkowski
www.rowerami.info - Ania i Krzyś travelling on bicycles, also by jachthich-hiking
www.jachtsaoirse.blogspot.com - Leszek Nowocień - s/y Saoirse ... means FREEDOM
www.schoonersoteria.com - Schooner Soteria, the first yacht we've hitch-hiked
syladydiane.wordpress.com - s/y Lady Diane - nice YACHT FOR SALE!
www.sy-serendipity.com - s/y Sernedipity, Hugo & Cecilie
www.soloaroundtheworld.com - Tomek Lewandowski - West to East Solo Non Stop
www.survivethesavagesea.com/index.html - Sandy Robertson & his family
www.svnewlife.blogspot.com - s/y New Life, Patricia, Thierry & Marvin, cruising family
www.traditionalcharter.co.uk - s/y Black Rose, Michael Emmett
www.wereda.com - s/y Wereda, Janusz Abramowicz
www.westrych.blogspot.com - Jakub Westrych - TorpedoWaffenplatz Hexengrund
www.wildcat.pl - see yourself ;)
ziencik.flog.pl - fotoblog - lotsa great pictures by Ziencik